Esports officially recognised by Indian Government for inclusion in multi-sport events
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Esports officially recognised by Indian Government for inclusion in multi-sport events

It is hoped by many in the country that it will now be treated in the same way as traditional sports.

“We have been working tirelessly to define the distinction between esports and i-gaming, and our efforts have finally been successful,” said Indian Esports Federation director and Asian Esports Federation vice-president Lokesh Suji, as reported by The Voice of Sikkim.

“We applaud our Government for making this decision because it will create new doors for additional investment opportunities in this flourishing sector.

Indian Esports Federation director Lokesh Suji hopes the recognition will lead to further investment in the industry ©Getty Images
Indian Esports Federation director Lokesh Suji hopes the recognition will lead to further investment in the industry ©Getty Images

“From now onwards, we will have to build proper infrastructure, training facilities and coaching for our young esports athletes.

“Only a short time until we see e-sports being placed in the same league as cricket, football, basketball, etc and having similar fan power, scale and craze.”

The Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar has announced that the department will soon draw up regulations for the gaming industry as a whole.

It has been predicted that the development will dispel perceptions that a career in esports is not possible.

India competed at the inaugural Commonwealth Esports Championships in Birmingham earlier this year where its DOTA 2 squad defeated New Zealand to win the bronze medal.

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Source ; InsideTheGame
